Middle Consonant

The Sh sound

How the Sh sound looks and how it is made:
By putting your teeth together, pressing your tongue into the high-back position of your mouth, with your lips rounded, and blowing creates the sound. The feeling for this sound comes from your teeth being close to biting, and the tongue being bunched up high and touching the palate.

she (1) she (2) she (3) she (4) shake (1) shake (2) shook (1) shook (2) should (1) should (2) should (3) ship (1) ship (2) ship (3)

The Zh sound

How the Zh sound looks and how it is made:
By putting your teeth together, pressing your tongue into the high-back position in your mouth, with lips rounded, and blowing produces the sound. However, this sound is voiced, and causes a vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is through the vibration that occurs, and passes through to the oral cavity, giving the sound a buzzing quality.


The Ch sound

How the Ch sound looks and how it is made:
By putting your teeth together, pressing your tongue into the high-back position in your mouth, with lips rounded, and blowing produces the sound. However, this sound is voiced, and causes a vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is through the vibration that occurs, and passes through to the oral cavity, giving the sound a buzzing quality.

chill (1) chill (2) chime child charge cheap (1) cheap (2) chin

The Jd sound

How the Jd sound looks and how it is made:
The tongue is placed into the roof of the mouth, right behind the teeth near the alveolar ridge, but glides to the mid medial level of the mouth pressing into the molars. The jaw (lower mandible) is elevated, but drops slightly at the end of production, and there is a slight lip protrusion and rounding. This sound produces vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is that the sound moves the jaw lower, as the tongue glides, but it accompanies the vibration of the vocal chords.

joint January (1) January (2) January (3) January (4) January (5) Jun (1) Jun (2) jun (3) Jun (4) jun (5) July (1) July (2) July (3) July (4) July (5) jobs jeep (1) jeep (2) jaw

Words that show the shapes of Sh, Zh, Ch, Jd:

sheep (1) sheep (2) shall (1) shall (2) shot sheep (1) sheep (2) she (1) she (2) she (3) she (4) shoe (1) shoe (2) sheet (1) sheet (2)
Chinese church choke chain (1) chain (2) chain (3) chain (4) Chat cheap (1) cheap (2)
join jin jeep (1) jeep (2) Jog jeep (1) jeep (2) jewel jeep (1) jeep (2) jab

washed (1) washed (2) official vacation Joshua (1) Joshua (2) Ashley

watched (1) watched (2) question drenched parched Rachel
major surgeon stranger wages

flash thrash (1) thrash (2) Bash Quiche

March (1) March (2) March (3) March (4) March (5) witch (1) witch (2) church teach (1) teach (2) teach (3) Hatch Batch
wage (1) wage (2) large (1) large (2) large (3) charge cabbage village pledge fudge (1) fudge (2) large (1) large (2) large (3)

Combined sounds:
church Joshua (1) Joshua (2) charge Badge Batch village shoot (1) shoot (2) shoot (3) flash March (1) March (2) March (3) March (4) March (5) Jason (1) Jason (2)

Phrases that show the shapes of Sh, Zh, Ch, Jd:

May I have some fresh orange juice?
They checked the air pressure in the tires.
Would you like to share this sandwich? (1)
Would you like to share this sandwich? (2)
Do you have some change?
He needed change for bus fare.

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