The Zh sound
How the Zh sound looks and how it is made:
By putting your teeth together, pressing your tongue into the high-back position in your mouth, with lips rounded, and blowing produces the sound. However, this sound is voiced, and causes a vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is through the vibration that occurs, and passes through to the oral cavity, giving the sound a buzzing quality.
The Ch sound
How the Ch sound looks and how it is made:
By putting your teeth together, pressing your tongue into the high-back position in your mouth, with lips rounded, and blowing produces the sound. However, this sound is voiced, and causes a vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is through the vibration that occurs, and passes through to the oral cavity, giving the sound a buzzing quality.
chill (1)
chill (2)
cheap (1)
cheap (2)